Vestibular examinations in children

My child is deaf and needs to have a balance assessment (Vestibulometry). What does this involve ?

BIAP members thought it would be useful to provide patients, their families and the medical and paramedical professionals who treat them with a video explaining the various stages of the vestibular assessment.

Bande d'annonce - Preview

  • Shooting

    Hugo Cavalier shot the footage at Robert Debré Hospital in Paris. It was edited by Matthias Bourgeaud and Noémie Martin.

  • Copyright

    This film is protected by copyright and has been registered with the INPI under number DSO02024009219.


This film was produced with the voluntary help of children and their parents, to create an information tool for the exclusive use of medical and paramedical professionals, patients and their families. Any other use (notably reproduction, modification, public broadcasting, export) without the authorization of the authors is strictly forbidden.

This film is protected by copyright and registered with INPI (National Institute for the Industrial Protection) under the following national number: DSO2024009219

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